$ ls -R -1
Bortkiewicz’s (non) solution to the convergence of the organic composition of capital accross industries - 2024-02-09
The problems with the Labour Theory of Value - 2024-02-09
Effective Accelerationism (e/acc) - 2024-01-07
Packaging RPMs and Copr: tips and links - 2023-01-22
Firewalld VPN killswitch - 2023-01-19
EU should not require chargers to be USB-C - 2022-12-20
Bayes' Theorem and the Problem of Induction - 2022-12-20
Something like Voluntaryism - 2022-12-18
Falsifiability and The Problem of Induction - 2022-12-09
Miniconda on headless Windows Server - 2022-10-15
Is privacy compatible with Proof of Stake? - 2022-09-10
State of Fortran on iOS - 2022-06-22